What’s On The Share? More Author Interviews, But Who Is Answering?

Four More Authors!!!

The questions…

-Share or describe your writing style.

~Which of your characters would you most like to meet and get to know and what book are they from?

~What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

**I got so many replies I will be sharing even more posts. Woohoo!!!


Thank you Karen Lopez

~Share or describe your writing style.

When writing novels or short stories the style is considered narrative which simply means to tell a story. And of course, that is what I do! I tell stories of love but not always strictly in what is considered romance (boy meets girl and they live happily ever after). Sometimes they are romance but other times it may be love for family or friends. And because I’m an inspirational fiction writer, I write about the source of love, our creator.

~Which of your characters would you most like to meet and get to know and what book are they from?

My books are character driven. And I do love my many characters!

Primarily you’ll find female characters discovering their strength, faith, and purpose as they navigate challenging circumstances. But there are many key characters who are male. I think as a woman I resonate with the ups and downs of life from the female perspective and it’s natural to write those points of view.

One character I’d enjoy meeting is Becky from Letters from Kansas.

Becky has spunk! She’s not afraid to kick the tires on life or the broken-down truck she’s driving. We should all have a friend like Becky.

For completely different reasons, I’d like to meet Poppy. I’d like to wrap my arms around her and tell her she’s doing great. She is from my book Poppy, and she experiences much growth throughout the story. Her story will tug at your heart strings.

~What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

2023 was a year that required much attention. Writing had to take an unplanned pause while I was occupied with other complexities. For that reason, I’m delighted to be at my keyboard again!

I’m excited to finish some of my works-in-progress. Daisy’s Secret 1s the closest to being finished as of today and will be part of the Shaw Point Collection. I also have another book in progress for the Letters from Home Series (Letters from Kansas is the first book). Both are historical fiction. And both will focus on mother/child love stories.

If there is a third book this year, I plan on it being a contemporary sweet romance. I’m excited to see where this story of a music teacher and a horse rancher will take us.

Thank you, Dawn, for sharing about my authorship. It is much appreciated. I am so grateful that God has allowed me the great joy of bringing uplifting inspirational books to the world.

If anyone wishes to know more about me or my work, they can check my website or Amazon page. I also have a reader community on Ream (a subscription service that is free to join and free to follow me there) where I share stories that are not currently available elsewhere.






Thank you Jamie Rutland Gillespie

~Share or describe your writing style.

My writing style is pantster. I do a very small outline of the book. I include who the victim will be, who the killer will be and the reason for the murder. After that, I pretty much just let the story unfold as I write. New characters come to me as the story progresses and character development of the main characters takes me on some surprise trips as I write.

~Which of your characters would you most like to meet and get to know and what book are they from?

I would love to meet Ms. Millie (she is also most of my readers’ favorite character). I created her from several different ladies I knew growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina. Ms. Millie is a recurring character in my Bobwhite Mountain Cozy Mystery Series.

~What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

In the coming months, I’m looking forward to the release of Book 6 in my Bobwhite Mountain series. I’m currently writing it and I think readers are going to really like it. Then, hopefully, I will begin a new series I have in my mind. (YES…there WILL be more Bobwhite Mountain books, lol.) This series will be set in a totally different setting and will include all new characters.

Link to Books:

Link to my Reader’s Group:

Link to my Twitter Page:

Link to my Amazon Page:


Thank you Joy Neal Kidney

~Share or describe your writing style.

I write narrative nonfiction so it’s no surprise that one reviewer mentioned that I write “ in sparse midwestern prose which only emphasizes the drama of each episode.”

~Which of your characters would you most like to meet and get to know and what book are they from?

What Leora Never Knew is about Grandma Leora’s sons who lost their lives during WWII. I wrote about them in Leora’s Dexter Stories: The Scarcity Years of the Great Depression, where readers get acquainted with them as children with distinct personalities, then again in Leora’s Letters, which is the family story during the war. I’d love to meet those three young uncles!

~What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

In the coming months, I’d like to complete a solid first draft of the next manuscript.

joynealkidney@gmail.com, https://joynealkidney.com/ Thank you, Dawn!


Thank you D.M. Griffin

~Share or describe your writing style.

Love this Dawn. First, I have been told that my writing style is ‘edgy’ but not sure exactly what that means. Readers have also said that they enjoy the depth and character development in my stories. I tend to focus more on character with the plot being secondary.

~Which of your characters would you most like to meet and get to know and what book are they from?

Second, I would most like to meet Rogan and Serene. They are from my latest story, The Crumbs off Heaven’s Table. A story set in first century Damascus.

~What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

In the coming months, I am looking forward to releasing the rest of The Encounter Series – biblical fiction centered around four unnamed women in Scripture who have a single encounter with Jesus. Lots of work to make this happen.

Here is the link to my website: http://devotedsteps.com and author page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/D.M.-Griffin/author/B07DH98QYJ

#sharingiscaringbookblog, #readabook

The second set of four in my line up of author interviews!! Thank you all so much. I am so excited about next week share too. Who will be the featured authors???

5 thoughts on “What’s On The Share? More Author Interviews, But Who Is Answering?”

    1. Thank you for checking out my book. It is very interesting to see your family had letters from the war and how special that was for your grandmother and extended family!
      I’ll be sharing Dawn’s post with hopes that readers will be introduced to new authors!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks so much for sharing about my work and my books, Dawn. And for introducing all of us to these wonderful authors. Really intrigued about the upcoming story of the women who meet Jesus from DM Griffin.
    Karen Lopez

    Liked by 1 person

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